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Purchase and Sale Agreements

Law Offices of Homan Mobasser, APLC > Purchase and Sale Agreements

Purchase and Sale Agreements

Real estate is the most valuable asset that most people ever contract to buy or sell. While every potential real estate buyer is well-advised to have an experienced real estate lawyer review purchase agreements, in fact, attorneys most often get involved when there is a problem.

To identify possible pitfalls in purchase agreement contracts and avoid litigation later on, we invite you to discuss your situation with us at the Law Offices of Homan Mobasser, APLC.

A purchase agreement may be flawed if there is a title defect, a lien or an unresolved dispute over terms of the purchase agreement, such as contingencies or defect disclosures, for example. An experienced real estate lawyer’s opinion and advice is valuable protection for potential property buyers and sellers.

Our attorneys are skilled in handling all aspects of purchase agreements. We review, interpret, render opinions on, and represent buyers and sellers in enforcement actions or enforcement defense.

Please contact the attorneys at Law Offices of Homan Mobasser, APLC at 424-224-0026 to have your purchase and sale agreement drafted or reviewed to limit your exposure to litigation down the road.